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  • Writer's pictureRhema Ministries

A simple invite...

Happy Sunday, family! This is the latest that I have ever done Rhema in almost 8 years of writing. But I’ve come to realize that God’s timing is not always my timing and I am not going to stress myself out trying to meet a deadline that He didn’t give me. Getting a blog out every Thursday for 7 years taught me discipline and consistency but it also taught me to listen for His voice. If He isn’t speaking, I’m not writing. Period! But tonight as I was recovering from the day, the Lord reminded me of something He had me singing in prayer the other day. It was a simple refrain that spoke to my heart. It just said “come in the room.” As I continued to sing, the Lord began to minister to me about accepting His invitation. He challenged me to get in a place where He is and just receive. Many of you may have been looking for peace in people, in books, even in church. You have almost worked your fingers to the bone or helped so many others that you barely have enough left for yourself. But today, God just wants you to simply come where He is.

Listen, God responds to faith and He responds to worship. What would happen if you took all your weariness, your questions, and your doubt and just answered His summons? What would happen if you put your phone on “do not disturb”, turned off social media and sat cross legged before the Lord? What would happen if you had a worship session with an audience of 1 and no time limit? He is beckoning to you and your heart and calling both to Him. Can I tell you that you will find exactly what you need there?

Do you remember what Jesus said in Matthew 11:28? He said,

“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

It was an invitation to acknowledge your present situation and reach out for what you need. But here’s the best part of the whole verse. You don’t have to wonder what will happen when you answer the summons. He makes himself completely clear and let’s you know that when you show up, He will give you rest. Isn’t it awesome that He is willing to not only invite but give you the present? Whew!

Stop searching and seeking a solution that can only be found in His voice! You are invited…send in your RSVP!



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