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  • Writer's pictureRhema Ministries

Good morning, Holy Spirit!

I have never written Rhema on a Sunday before! ™ all I can say is that this 8th year has been full of new things and stepping out of norms. But if there was a Sunday to choose, it’s this one. It’s Pentecost, y’all!! One of the most important and powerful events in the life of the Church was the moment Holy Spirit made Himself known in the Upper Room. It officially changed everything for those that had just gone through the loss of the Savior in the natural and for everyone to come. So I woke up this morning wanting to give Holy Spirit a big shout out!

You know, it’s interesting because so much is expected from Holy Spirit and yet He is disrespected regularly. He is mocked daily, lied on, and blamed for things that someone’s flesh came up with. People pretend to have Him, wait for Him to “fall” instead of letting Him live in them, and ignore Him. He’s often called “something” or “subconscious” and yet He is the greatest promise fulfilled from a Savior that loved His believers so much that He did not want to leave them without a comforter. I tell you, that’s the kind of gift that should never be taken for granted.

So I just wanted to take a minute to give honor where it is due! When I started Rhema, I asked God for a scripture that would guide my writing and He gave me this one.

“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” – John 14:26

You see, the Holy Spirit is the moving, breathing, and tangible representation of the Trinity. You could see Him operating from the Creation and on through the Bible. Even now, He is still working. He shows up in the doctor’s office when you are by yourself and they give you a scary diagnosis. He shows up at your job when you are right on the edge of giving somebody a piece of your mind. He steps in the room when depression threatens to swallow you up. He is the best kind of comforter and teacher. He is love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness , kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self control all rolled into one. He is worthy of reverence and respect. He is God.

Today, I invite you to take some time to celebrate Holy Spirit. He deserves it! Happy Pentecost…


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