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Rhema: A Devotional for the Journey addresses real life issues and struggles and encourages you to live through them by seeking God’s Word. Each chapter strives to lead the reader on a journey...a journey of life. As you read, you are invited to place yourself in the various examples and stories. As the Word of God comes alive, restoration and peace begin to happen. This book will cause you to think, examine, and understand what God is saying to YOU! Get your copy of Rhema: A Devotional for the Journey and see where the Lord leads you.


Jonah & Me was born out of the author's personal journey to balance the calling on her life with the reality that she was living. God took her from a Jonah like disappointment in God to the position of overcomer. Come along as God gives you three steps to overcoming the hard issues in life! Come out of the fish and walk into freedom & victory!


In 12 Steps to Freedom, Ebony Freeland Bryant writes transparently about moving from a place of bondage to freedom and how to stay there. Have you been struggling to move forward in your life? Do you feel as if you can’t escape the hurts or fears of your past? Do you have a hard time acknowledging your issues because of your title or position?


If you have been held hostage to what someone said or did to you, this book is for you. If you have been stuck at the hurt and never moved to healing, this book is for you. If you have lied to yourself about the condition of your life, this book is for you. Grab your copy today and take 12 steps to your freedom...

Do you struggle with discerning between your voice and God's? Do you like to do what feels good versus what you know you should be doing? Is your first response to an instruction from God "no" when it should be "yes"? If so, this book has something to say to you!


The prophet Jeremiah battled from a young age with what his flesh and emotions were saying as opposed to what the Lord said. The awesome thing is that God responded by speaking to him over and over again about who he was called to be. The Lord then used Jeremiah mightily to deliver challenging messages to His people. Guess what? God is not a respecter of persons and He also wants YOU to live a life that is reflective of who He has called you to be!


Jeremiah Heard Right is a collection of thoughts about the battle between obedience and flesh with a healthy dose of Jeremiah 29:11! It explores different aspects of obedience, transition, and discernment while requiring you to go beyond your opinion and feelings with a flesh check! Join author, Ebony Freeland Bryant as she walks you through the process of putting obedience ahead of your comfort.

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